Cara Potong Ikan Tuna

Cara Potong Ikan Tuna

“enaknya pake banget, bisa nambah2 nasi ini 🤪 dapet 3 box utk stock. terima kasih resepnya 🥰”

Umi Satria Arsya Khiar

“Alhamdulillah...trima ksih resepnya 🙏🏾”

At SEAFOODKU, we believe in SEAFOOD:

Sustainable: we will try our best to meet our customer needs and meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Eco-friendly: we love our mother of nature and we will do our best to take care for her.

Awesome: we want to be awesome in everything we do that’s why we will always try to do our best in everything we do.

Fresh: we believe that good fresh food should be shared especially seafood :-)

Optimistic: while serving our customers, we will always be happy and full of energy.

Open-minded: we are willing to listen to others, and have the mindset to learn without being biased.

Decent: we uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions.